Helpful Tools to Help Teachers Get the Job Done

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As a teacher, there are many things on your plate day in and day out.  Because of the nature of your position, there are different groups of people that you will have to deal with from day to day, and a different hat you may wear for each.  On most days you’re in the classroom in front of students so most reliable tools for you is ID badge holders

In years past, ID badge holders were style-less, plain plastic cases.  Today, every teacher can showcase their personal style preferences with BooJee Beads decorative ID badge holders for every situation.  Does it really matter whether a teacher wears a stylish tool to hold their employee identification?  To some, it may be irrelevant.  But when you take into consideration the different people a teacher comes into contact with, ID badge holders that feature stylish and fun designs stand out as highly professional. 

Some teachers still prefer to carry their identification on a lanyard.   BooJee Beads has you covered there too.  The point is that no teacher – male or female – needs to stand in front of their students or sit in front of parents or peers without the latest and greatest way of professionally displaying small items used on a regular basis.

Some of the best tools available to teachers today are in the area of technology.  One new tool gaining popularity is Edmodo.  Edmodo is a safe social networking site developed by Jeff O’Hara, an educator who realized the potential of social media in the classroom.  Typically, social media sites are blocked in classrooms (and there is very good reason for this).  However, with Edmodo available only to students, parents and teachers given access to the site, sharing and networking has never been safer for classroom use.

In the twenty-first century classroom, technology is an integral part of learning.  With many schools focusing on project-based learning, where every assignment carries applicable real life applications, technology is an essential ingredient that can be utilized one hundred percent of the time.  Edmodo allows for a teacher-controlled social networking scenario in every classroom. 

One thing Edmodo does is allows teachers to meet students in an area that is familiar to them.  The site is set up to look very similar to Facebook, another social media site that many young people are familiar with.  One may question, why not just connect on the site already well-established.  The answer is that Edmodo is the only teacher controlled social media site out there at the moment. 

Edmodo is helpful for students who may have questions about assignments or for students who have missed a class.  With such easy access to teachers, other students and assignments that may be posted to the site, there is no reason to miss assignments and potentially fall behind in class. 

Students and teachers alike rave about this free site.  If you’re not already using it in your classroom, you may want to take a closer look at just how much this technology may be able to help you.

Teachers Get in on the BooJee Beads Craze

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Teachers of children of all ages have a unique setting to work in.  Some teachers may find it difficult to determine their own professional image on the job, when surrounded by the latest fashion trends of their students.  Instead of struggling to find footing in the realm of how to present to administration, peers, students and parents, considering some of the tips found here and using BooJee Beads style can help to create a unique image in the workplace.

Lanyards and badge holders are widely used on campuses all over the world.  These tools are handy, affordable and useful for holding classroom keys, employee identification or other small items.  Teachers can become more organized through the use of lanyards and badge holders; but may not realize just how much these tools can improve image in the classroom.

When looking for your own unique teacher style, think first of how you wish to be perceived.  This could be different based on who you interact with.  You want your students to feel comfortable with you; but also see you as an authority to respect and look up to.  Teaching small children, the elementary teacher could incorporate decorative lanyards and badge holders featuring colors and themes small children are drawn to. 

With the styles of BooJee Beads, you can wear employee identification or classroom keys in perfect style, and feel great about your professional look at work.  Whether the day consists of meetings with peers or parents, or a day spent in front of the class, you want to feel as though you fit into the image you have of yourself on the job. 

It is recommended that teachers wear comfortable clothing, especially because they are on their feet most of the day.  However, comfort does not equal overly casual.  To compliment your BooJee Beads lanyards, maintain your professional image with comfortable slacks over jeans and conservative shoes over flip flops or sandals that are more fitting for a day at the park.

Dressing for the classroom could include slacks or khaki’s.  Dresses and skirts for women may be comfortable and make you feel very good at work.  When this is the case, the overwhelming response is “go for it”!  However, dressing up is not the aim; being professional and comfortable is the goal for any teacher. 

When you approach your professional attire, just remember that comfort does not come only in the form of loose jeans or oversized sweaters.  Remember that, although your primary audience is a group of youngsters, there are other eyes on you as a teacher.  When put in the situation of meeting with parents, a teacher must present n a way that shows they are in charge at all times and the person to count on when it comes to a child’s learning process. 

Much is stated by the way a person dresses.  So while the classroom is not your runway, it is important to take professional image into account each and every day.